Results for 'Jeffrey P. Gavornik'

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  1.  50
    What does scalar timing tell us about neural dynamics?Harel Z. Shouval, Marshall G. Hussain Shuler, Animesh Agarwal & Jeffrey P. Gavornik - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2.  39
    The Many Guises of the Slippery Slope Argument.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1994 - Social Theory and Practice 20 (1):85-97.
    This paper examines how slippery slope arguments are used, and misused, in many public policy debates -- especially in the area of bioethics. I divide the various kinds of slippery slope arguments into the following categories: 1) the logical form vs the conceptual form, and 2) the theoretical context vs the practical context. While all these various types of slippery slope arguments are found wanting, I nonetheless find a valuable role for slippery slope arguments in public debate. In that they (...)
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    Beyond Consent: Seeking Justice in Research.Jeffrey P. Kahn, Anna C. Mastroianni & Jeremy Sugarman (eds.) - 1998 - Oup Usa.
    Beyond Consent examines the concept of justice, and its application to human subject research, through the different lenses of various research populations: children, the vulnerable sick, captive and convenient populations, women, people of colour, and subjects in international settings. Separate chapters address the evolution of research policies, implications of the concept of justice for the future of human subject research, and the ramifications of this concept throughout the research enterprise.
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    Two Kinds of Brain Injury in Sport.Jeffrey P. Fry - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):294-306.
    After years of skepticism and denials regarding the significance of concussions in sport, the issue is now front and center. This is fitting, given that the impact of concussions in sport is profound. Thus, it is with trepidation that one ventures to direct some attention onto brain injuries other than concussions incurred through sport. Given a closer look, however, it may be that considering various kinds of brain injuries, with different causes, will help us better understand the range and seriousness (...)
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    Doing Well or Doing Good in Ethics Consultation.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2018 - In Stuart G. Finder & Mark J. Bliton, Peer Review, Peer Education, and Modeling in the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation: The Zadeh Project. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 179-192.
    “The Zadeh Scenario,” when taken together with the subsequent layers of peer review and commentary on that peer review, highlights two crucial insights regarding peer review for clinical ethics. The first is one that most of Finder’s peer reviewers miss: peer-reviewers who would give attestation to quality need to be critically attentive to, and reflective about, the evidence supplied to them by candidates. The second is a more significant point: the kind of doing that is clinical ethics consultation is a (...)
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    Ethics review and conversation analysis.Jeffrey P. Aguinaldo - 2022 - Research Ethics 18 (4):319-328.
    In this case study, I address the procedural ethics of conversation analysis (CA) and the collection of naturally occurring mundane interactions. I draw from the challenges that emerged from the institutional ethics review of the HIV, health and interaction study (the H2I Study), a CA project that sought to identify the practices through which normative assumptions of HIV and other health conditions are produced in conversations. Consistent with CA’s preference for naturally occurring interactions, the H2I Study collected and analysed everyday (...)
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    Informed Consent Is the Essence of Capacity Assessment.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (1):95-105.
    Informed consent is the single most important concept for understanding decision-making capacity. There is a steady pull in the clinical world to transform capacity into a technical concept that can be tested objectively, usually by calling for a psychiatric consult. This is a classic example of medicalization. In this article I argue that is a mistake, not just unnecessary but wrong, and explain how to normalize capacity assessment.Returning the locus of capacity assessment to the attending, the primary care doctor, and (...)
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    Obesity, Pressure Ulcers, and Family Enablers.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):81-82.
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    Of Minds and Brains and Cocreation: Psychopharmaceuticals and Modern Technological Imaginaries.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2018 - Christian Bioethics 24 (3):224-245.
    Christians are not immune to psychological and psychiatric illness. Yet, Christians should also be careful not to permit popular cultural trends to shape the way that they think about the use of psychiatric treatment with medication. In this essay, I suggest that the tendencies for default usage of psychiatric medication can be problematic for Christians in contemporary culture where a technological imaginary exists. Modern scientific studies of psychiatric medication are partly constructive of how we imagine ourselves. The typical justification for (...)
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    Beginning at the End: Liturgy and the Care of the Dying.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2017 - Christian Bioethics 23 (1):77-83.
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    Using student perceptions to compare actual and preferred classroom environment in Queensland schools.Jeffrey P. Dorman - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (4):299-308.
    Students? perceptions of actual and preferred classroom environment were investigated using the What is happening in this class? questionnaire (WIHIC). The WIHIC assesses seven classroom environment dimensions: student cohesiveness, teacher support, involvement, task orientation, investigation, cooperation and equity. A sample of 978 secondary school students from 63 classes in Queensland responded to the WIHIC. For each item on the WIHIC, students recorded their perceptions of the actual (or real) and preferred (or ideal) classroom environment. Results revealed that statistically significant differences (...)
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    You can't always get what you want: Evolution and true beliefs.Jeffrey P. Schloss & Michael J. Murray - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):533-534.
    McKay & Dennett (M&D) convincingly argue against many proposals for adaptively functioning misbelief, but the conclusion that true beliefs are generally adaptive does not follow. Adaptive misbeliefs may be few in kind but many in number; maladaptive misbeliefs may routinely elude selective pruning; reproductively neutral misbeliefs may abound; and adaptively grounded beliefs may reliably covary with but not truthfully represent reality.
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    'Evolutionary Theory and Religious Belief.Jeffrey P. Schloss - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Zachory Simpson, The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 198.
    Accession Number: ATLA0001712127; Hosting Book Page Citation: p 187-206.; Physical Description: table ; Language(s): English; General Note: Bibliography: p 204-206.; Issued by ATLA: 20130825; Publication Type: Essay.
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  14. Do-not-resuscitate orders and redirection of treatment.Jeffrey P. Burns & Christine Mitchell - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm, End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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    Nostalgia for Paradise: The Escape from Time in Horace's Epode 16.Jeffrey P. Ulrich - 2022 - American Journal of Philology 143 (3):413-445.
    Abstract:Epode 16, Horace's famous decline poem about Rome before Actium, has long been viewed as a cynical response to Vergil's prophecy of a returning Golden Age in Eclogue 4. In this article, I argue that there is another, unrecognized intertext for Epode 16—Pindar's Olympian 2—to which Horace's bleak poem alludes in a "window reference" refracted through Vergil's bucolic. As such, Horace's cynicism represents, in fact, a lament over the lost simplicity and timelessness of Greek oral poetry, and an attempt to (...)
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  16.  26
    Technics and Liturgics.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2020 - Christian Bioethics 26 (1):12-30.
    It is commonly held that Christian ethics generally and Christian bioethics particularly is the application of Christian moral systems to novel problems engaged by contemporary culture and created by contemporary technology. On this view, Christianity adds its moral vision to a technology, baptizing it for use. In this essay, I show that modern technology is a metaphysical moral worldview that enacts its own moral vision, shaping a moral imaginary, shaping our moral perception, creating moral subjects, and shaping what we imagine (...)
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  17. Coda.Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar - 2022 - In Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar, Philosophy, Sport and the Pandemic. New York: Routledge.
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    Philosophy, Sport and the Pandemic.Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on every aspect of our social, cultural and commercial lives, including the world of sport. This book examines the ethical and philosophical dimensions of the intersection of COVID-19 and sport. The book goes beyond simple description of the impact of the pandemic on sport to offer normative judgments about how the sporting world responded to challenges posed by COVID-19, as well as philosophical speculation as to how COVID-19 will change our understanding and appreciation (...)
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  19.  36
    Living Like There's No Tomorrow.Jeffrey P. Fry - 2009 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 16 (1):79-88.
    This paper explores whether resolving to "live like there's no tomorrow" would be conducive to living life to the fullest. While there is much to commend a life lived with a sense of urgency, I conclude that living like there's no tomorrow, in the final analysis, is neither advisable, nor realizable. In its place I suggest a life lived in mindfulness of the transitory and uncertain nature of our lives.
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    Reclaiming the Medical Profession.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1995 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 4 (1):3-22.
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    The Power and Value of Philosophical Skepticism.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    How should we react to philosophical skepticism? Whitman answers this question by examining analytic and post-analytic responses to the problem. He tests analytic theories of knowledge and the post-analytic responses of Donald Davidson and Richard Rorty against skeptical arguments. Whitman concludes that embracing a theoretical version of philosophical skepticism has advantages over post-analytic responses—both in the realm of philosophical inquiry and in everyday life.
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    Citizens and Soldiers.Jeffrey P. Whitman, Catherine G. Haight & Paul E. Tipton - 1994 - Teaching Philosophy 17 (1):29-39.
  23.  39
    When is somebody just some body? Ethics as first philosophy and the brain death debate.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (5):419-436.
    I, along with others, have been critical of the social construction of brain death and the various social factors that led to redefining death from cardiopulmonary failure to irreversible loss of brain functioning, or brain death. Yet this does not mean that brain death is not the best threshold to permit organ harvesting—or, as people today prefer to call it, organ procurement. Here I defend whole-brain death as a morally legitimate line that, once crossed, is grounds for families to give (...)
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    Understanding the Role of Genetics in Disability Insurance.Jeffrey P. Kahn & Susan M. Wolf - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (S2):5-5.
  25. Evolutionary ethics and Christian morality: surveying the issues.Jeffrey P. Schloss - 2004 - In Philip Clayton & Jeffrey Schloss, Evolution and Ethics: Human Morality in Biological and Religious Perspective. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. pp. 1--24.
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  26. Evolutionary Theory and Religion.Jeffrey P. Schloss - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Zachory Simpson, The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science. Oxford University Press.
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    Whose Odyssey Is It? Family‐Centered Care in the Genomic Era.Jeffrey P. Brosco - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S2):20-22.
    Despite a century of progress in medical knowledge, many diagnostic odysseys end in disappointment, especially when the child has a developmental disorder. In cases of autism and intellectual disability, relatively few children receive a specific diagnosis, and virtually none of those diagnoses lead to a specific medical treatment. Whole‐genome or ‐exome sequencing offers a quantum leap in the diagnostic odyssey, in that we will always learn something from sequencing—sometimes much more than families bargained for, as discussed elsewhere in this special (...)
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    A Tale of Two Professions.Jeffrey P. Whitman & Jerrell W. Habegger - 2003 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):3-31.
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    Utilitarianism and the laws of land warfare.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1993 - Public Affairs Quarterly 7 (3):261-275.
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    A Casebook in Interprofessional Ethics: A Succinct Introduction to Ethics for the Health Professions.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Rebecca Lunstroth.
    The first ethics casebook that integrates clinical ethics (medical, nursing, and dental) and research ethics with public health and informatics. The book opens with five chapters on ethics, the development of interprofessional ethics, and brief instructional materials for students on how to analyze ethical cases and for teachers on how to teach ethics. In today's rapidly evolving healthcare system, the cases in this book are far more realistic than previous efforts that isolate the decision-making process by professions as if each (...)
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  31.  42
    The Distinction Between Completing a Suicide and Assisting One: Why Treating a Suicide Attempt Does Not Require Closing the “Window of Opportunity”.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (3):26 - 27.
    This target article by Samuel Brown and colleagues (2013) comes to what sound like reasonable and defensible conclusions, but frames them in an overly timid way. The reason may be the authors’ over...
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    Levinas's early model of self and the gift of time.Jeffrey P. Ogle - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (3):299-314.
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  33. Time warp: Authorship shapes the perceived timing of actions and events.Jeffrey P. Ebert & Daniel M. Wegner - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):481-489.
    It has been proposed that inferring personal authorship for an event gives rise to intentional binding, a perceptual illusion in which one’s action and inferred effect seem closer in time than they otherwise would . Using a novel, naturalistic paradigm, we conducted two experiments to test this hypothesis and examine the relationship between binding and self-reported authorship. In both experiments, an important authorship indicator – consistency between one’s action and a subsequent event – was manipulated, and its effects on binding (...)
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  34. Sunset on the RAC: When Is It Time to End Special Oversight of an Emerging Biotechnology?Jeffrey P. Kahn & Anna C. Mastroianni - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (12):1-2.
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    Clinical Ethics: Case Reports, Consultations, Commentaries.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (1):62-62.
  36.  14
    Civil Society and Government: A Dispatch from the Front Lines.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 2001 - Public Affairs Quarterly 15 (1):17-34.
  37.  21
    Women, Sex, and the Military.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1998 - Public Affairs Quarterly 12 (4):447-469.
  38.  47
    Exploring Moral Character in Philosophy Class.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (2):171-182.
    In order the combat the growing apathy, cynicism, and indifference observed among students, the author developed a course designed to make the study of philosophy relevant, applicable, and personal for students. This paper is a detailed exposition of the structure and content of this course. Build around the theme “Exploring Moral Character,” this course focuses on the role of moral character in ethical decision making and the nature of students’ own moral character. The course is divided into four units. Designed (...)
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    The View from a Wheelchair.Jeffrey P. Whitman - 2007 - Teaching Philosophy 30 (4):345-356.
    Drawing upon almost twenty years of teaching philosophy as a physically disabled person in a wheelchair, I explore the “learning moments” afforded to me in the classroom as a disabled teacher. Focusing primarily on the teaching of ethics, and how my experience and the experiences of other disabled students in a class can enhance the education of everybody, I attempt to demonstrate to other philosophy teachers that disability in the classroom can and should be viewed not as a burden but (...)
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    Theological Fragments: Explorations in Unsystematic Theology.Jeffrey P. Greenman - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (1):255-257.
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    Child Rights and Clinical Bioethics: Historical Reflections on Modern Medicine and Ethics.Jeffrey P. Brosco - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (3):356-364.
    A reader confronting this collection of essays might wonder if something went awry in Jacksonville, Florida, in February 2014, when conference organizers gathered pediatric bioethicists and international child rights advocates to discuss the application of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child to the work of clinical bioethics in the United States. Surely a document proclaiming a worldwide consensus on child rights would strengthen the hand of ethicists advising clinicians and researchers who face difficult decisions. Yet the conference (...)
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    Beliefs, intentions, and evolution: Old versus new psychological game theory.Jeffrey P. Carpenter & Peter Hans Matthews - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):158-159.
    We compare Colman's proposed “psychological game theory” with the existing literature on psychological games (Geanakoplos et al. 1989), in which beliefs and intentions assume a prominent role. We also discuss experimental evidence on intentions, with a particular emphasis on reciprocal behavior, as well as recent efforts to show that such behavior is consistent with social evolution.
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    Comfort Care Request for Preterm Infant.Jeffrey P. Spike & Anita J. Tarzian - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):82-83.
  44.  22
    Hysterectomy to Treat Pain in a Teen With Severe Physical and Intellectual Disabilities: Responding to a Mother's Request.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):65-66.
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    Care versus Treatment at the End of Life for Profoundly Disabled Persons.Jeffrey P. Spike - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (1):79-83.
    Individuals who are profoundly mentally handicapped do not have the capacity to make their own decisions and also do not have a past record of decisions, from when they had capacity, to guide us in making decisions for them. They represent a difficult group, ethically, for surrogate decision making. Here I propose some guidelines, distinguishing between these patients and patients in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). As the life span of patients becomes shorter, or their level of consciousness becomes permanently (...)
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  46. Medically Assisted Nutrition and Hydration: The Vegetative State and Beyond.Jeffrey P. Bishop & Elliott Louis Bedford - 2011 - Christian Bioethics 17 (2):97-104.
  47.  17
    Emotion in sports: philosophical perspectives: by Yunus Tuncel, Oxon, Routledge/taylor & Francis Group, 2019, 148 pp., $29 (paperback), ISBN 9781315267029.Jeffrey P. Fry - 2020 - Tandf: Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):322-325.
    Volume 47, Issue 2, July 2020, Page 322-325.
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    Commentary on Zohar's "prospects for‘genetic therapy’- can a person benefit from being altered?".Jeffrey P. Kahn - 1991 - Bioethics 5 (4):312–317.
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    Anesthesiological Ethics: Can Informed Consent Be Implied?Jeffrey P. Spike - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (1):68-70.
    Surgical ethics is a well-recognized field in clinical ethics, distinct from medical ethics. It includes at least a dozen important issues common to surgery that do not exist in internal medicine simply because of the differences in their practices. But until now there has been a tendency to include ethical issues of anesthesiology as a part of surgical ethics. This may mask the importance of ethical issues in anesthesiology, and even help perpetuate an unfortunate view that surgeons are “captain of (...)
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    At the Edge of Everydayness.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (1):43-48.
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